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Birth preparation classs weekend intensiv on 22nd and 23rd March with partner (22.3.2025 - 23.3.2025)

22.3.2025 - 23.3.2025

Birth Preparation Class in basic English with Partner:

In this class you will receive important information about pregnancy, giving birth, breastfeeding, and the postpartum period. The main part of the course is to provide information on birth phases, birth mechanics, strategies for decision making and pain management, and an overview of the most common interventions during birth. Furthermore we invite you to reflect on your partnership with birth and the postpartum period. We show you different birthing positions and breathing techniques. There will also be time for you to ask your personal questions. You will receive a handout highlighting the most important information covered.

The best time to take the class is between 28 and 34 weeks of pregnancy. However, you can also participate earlier or later. If you choose the weekly class it's important that you finish the class before 37 weeks of pregnancy.

Most class participants are expecting their first child, so the course is designed to mainly address questions that first time parents may have. If you already have children, you can still participate in the course, some things you will probably already know, some things will be new to you.

This class is designed by a non native speaker (C1) with non native speakers in mind.

The classes are in

- Friedrichshain: Krossener Str. 27, 10245 www.bauchgefuehl-berlin.de/birth-preparation-class-in-english

- Neukölln: Nogatstr. 56, 12051 www.spree-hebammen.de/angebot/505/birth-preparation-class-in-english-with-partner/

The class is covered by the german health insurance for the pregnant person.

The partner fee is 140€ for the weekend class and 110€ for the weekly class. You can probably claim a refund from your health insurance company. Check with your insurance if/what they pay for the partner fee, many insurances reimburse parts (for example 80%) of the fee. It depends on the insurance, you have to take care of the refund yourself. 

On the registration page you will be asked about your insurance number ("Versicherung" which contains 9 numbers) and your personal Versichertennummer (one letter and 9 numbers). You can find both numbers on the front of your health insurance card.

However, I don't want your financial situation or insurance situation to determine whether you attend a birth preparation course or not. So if you do not have health insurance and/or are having trouble affording the partner fee, you are still welcome to contact me so that we can find a solution together.

If you have questions feel free to ask me via email: hebamme-simon@inbox.org

Hope to see you soon!

Kosten: wird von Krankenkassen bezahlt
Partnergebühr: 140 €
Kursort: Spree Hebammen in Neukölln, Nogatstraße 56
Kurstyp: für Schwangere
Kursleitung: Simon Mülling


  • 22.3.2025 10:00 - 17:00 (mit PartnerIn)
  • 23.3.2025 10:00 - 17:00 (mit PartnerIn)

Birth preparation class in english with partner on 12th and 13th April Neukölln (12.4.2025 10:00 - 17:00)

12.4.2025 10:00 - 17:00

Birth Preparation Class in basic english with Partner:

In this class you will receive all important information about pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and the postpartum period. The main part of the course is to provide information on birth phases, birth mechanics, strategies for decision making and pain management, and an overview of the most common interventions during birth. Furthermore we show you different birthing positions, massages breathing techniques, invite you to reflect on yourself and partnership regarding birth and post partum period, talk about breastfeeding and also your personal questions will be answered.

The class is covered by the german health insurance for the pregnant person.

The partner fee is 140€ (Neukölln) or 120€ (Friedrichshain) and you can probably claim a refund from your health insurance company. (Check with your insurance if/what they pay for the partner fee, many insurances reimburse parts (for example 80%) of the fee, it depends on the insurance, you have to take care of the refund yourself). 

I'm not a native english speaker so the class will be in basic English (B2). Designed from not native speaker for not native speaker.

Most participants are expecting their first child, so the course is designed to mainly address these questions. If you already have children, you can still participate in the course, some things you will probably already know, some things will be new to you.

The classes are in

- Friedrichshain: Krossener Str. 27, 10245 www.bauchgefuehl-berlin.de/birth-preparation-class-in-english

- Neukölln: Nogatstr. 56, 12051 www.spree-hebammen.de/angebot/505/birth-preparation-class-in-english-with-partner/

The best time for the class is between 30 and 34 weeks of pregnancy. However you can participate also earlier or later, earlier is better than later.

On the registration page you will be asked about the number of your insurance ("Versicherung", number contains 9 numbers) and your personal Versichertennummer (one letter and 9 numbers). You can find both numbers on the front of your insurance card.

However, I don't want your financial situation or insurance situation to determine whether you attend a birth preparation course or not. So if you are not having an insurance and/or having trouble to afford the partnerfee, you are still welcome to contact me so that we can find a solution together.

If you have questions feel free to ask me via email: hebamme_lena.muelling@posteo.de

Hope to see you soon!

Kosten: wird von Krankenkassen bezahlt
Partnergebühr: 140 €
Kursort: Spree Hebammen in Neukölln, Nogatstraße 56
Kurstyp: für Schwangere
Kursleitung: Simon Mülling

Noch wenige Plätze

Birth preparation class weekly on Tuesday evening (April 29th - May 20th) with partner (29.4.2025 - 20.5.2025)

29.4.2025 - 20.5.2025

Birth Preparation Class in basic English with Partner:

In this class you will receive important information about pregnancy, giving birth, breastfeeding, and the postpartum period. The main part of the course is to provide information on birth phases, birth mechanics, strategies for decision making and pain management, and an overview of the most common interventions during birth. Furthermore we invite you to reflect on your partnership with birth and the postpartum period. We show you different birthing positions and breathing techniques. There will also be time for you to ask your personal questions. You will receive a handout highlighting the most important information covered.

The best time to take the class is between 28 and 34 weeks of pregnancy. However, you can also participate earlier or later. If you choose the weekly class it's important that you finish the class before 37 weeks of pregnancy.

Most class participants are expecting their first child, so the course is designed to mainly address questions that first time parents may have. If you already have children, you can still participate in the course, some things you will probably already know, some things will be new to you.

This class is designed by a non native speaker (C1) with non native speakers in mind.

The classes are in

- Friedrichshain: Krossener Str. 27, 10245 www.bauchgefuehl-berlin.de/birth-preparation-class-in-english

- Neukölln: Nogatstr. 56, 12051 www.spree-hebammen.de/angebot/505/birth-preparation-class-in-english-with-partner/

The class is covered by the german health insurance for the pregnant person.

The partner fee is 140€ for the weekend class and 110€ for the weekly class. You can probably claim a refund from your health insurance company. Check with your insurance if/what they pay for the partner fee, many insurances reimburse parts (for example 80%) of the fee. It depends on the insurance, you have to take care of the refund yourself. 

On the registration page you will be asked about your insurance number ("Versicherung" which contains 9 numbers) and your personal Versichertennummer (one letter and 9 numbers). You can find both numbers on the front of your health insurance card.

However, I don't want your financial situation or insurance situation to determine whether you attend a birth preparation course or not. So if you do not have health insurance and/or are having trouble affording the partner fee, you are still welcome to contact me so that we can find a solution together.

If you have questions feel free to ask me via email: hebamme-simon@inbox.org

Hope to see you soon!

Kosten: wird von Krankenkassen bezahlt
Partnergebühr: 110 €
Kursort: Hebammenpraxis Bauchgefühl Friedrichshain, Krossener Str. 27
Kurstyp: für Schwangere
Kursleitung: Simon Mülling

Noch wenige Plätze


  • 29.4.2025 20:00 - 22:00 (mit PartnerIn)
  • 6.5.2025 20:00 - 22:00 (mit PartnerIn)
  • 13.5.2025 20:00 - 22:00 (mit PartnerIn)
  • 20.5.2025 20:00 - 22:00 (mit PartnerIn)

Birth preparation classs weekend intensiv on May 31th & June 1st with partner (31.5.2025 - 1.6.2025)

31.5.2025 - 1.6.2025

Birth Preparation Class in basic English with Partner:

In this class you will receive important information about pregnancy, giving birth, breastfeeding, and the postpartum period. The main part of the course is to provide information on birth phases, birth mechanics, strategies for decision making and pain management, and an overview of the most common interventions during birth. Furthermore we invite you to reflect on your partnership with birth and the postpartum period. We show you different birthing positions and breathing techniques. There will also be time for you to ask your personal questions. You will receive a handout highlighting the most important information covered.

The best time to take the class is between 28 and 34 weeks of pregnancy. However, you can also participate earlier or later. If you choose the weekly class it's important that you finish the class before 37 weeks of pregnancy.

Most class participants are expecting their first child, so the course is designed to mainly address questions that first time parents may have. If you already have children, you can still participate in the course, some things you will probably already know, some things will be new to you.

This class is designed by a non native speaker (C1) with non native speakers in mind.

The classes are in

- Friedrichshain: Krossener Str. 27, 10245 www.bauchgefuehl-berlin.de/birth-preparation-class-in-english

- Neukölln: Nogatstr. 56, 12051 www.spree-hebammen.de/angebot/505/birth-preparation-class-in-english-with-partner/

The class is covered by the german health insurance for the pregnant person.

The partner fee is 140€ for the weekend class and 110€ for the weekly class. You can probably claim a refund from your health insurance company. Check with your insurance if/what they pay for the partner fee, many insurances reimburse parts (for example 80%) of the fee. It depends on the insurance, you have to take care of the refund yourself. 

On the registration page you will be asked about your insurance number ("Versicherung" which contains 9 numbers) and your personal Versichertennummer (one letter and 9 numbers). You can find both numbers on the front of your health insurance card.

However, I don't want your financial situation or insurance situation to determine whether you attend a birth preparation course or not. So if you do not have health insurance and/or are having trouble affording the partner fee, you are still welcome to contact me so that we can find a solution together.

If you have questions feel free to ask me via email: hebamme-simon@inbox.org

Hope to see you soon!

Kosten: wird von Krankenkassen bezahlt
Partnergebühr: 140 €
Kursort: Hebammenpraxis Bauchgefühl Friedrichshain, Krossener Str. 27
Kurstyp: für Schwangere
Kursleitung: Simon Mülling

Noch wenige Plätze


  • 31.5.2025 10:00 - 17:00 (mit PartnerIn)
  • 1.6.2025 10:00 - 17:00 (mit PartnerIn)

Birth preparation class in english with partner on 19th and 10th July Neukölln (19.7.2025 10:00 - 17:00)

19.7.2025 10:00 - 17:00

Birth Preparation Class in basic english with Partner:

In this class you will receive all important information about pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and the postpartum period. The main part of the course is to provide information on birth phases, birth mechanics, strategies for decision making and pain management, and an overview of the most common interventions during birth. Furthermore we show you different birthing positions, massages breathing techniques, invite you to reflect on yourself and partnership regarding birth and post partum period, talk about breastfeeding and also your personal questions will be answered.

The class is covered by the german health insurance for the pregnant person.

The partner fee is 140€ (Neukölln) or 120€ (Friedrichshain) and you can probably claim a refund from your health insurance company. (Check with your insurance if/what they pay for the partner fee, many insurances reimburse parts (for example 80%) of the fee, it depends on the insurance, you have to take care of the refund yourself). 

I'm not a native english speaker so the class will be in basic English (B2). Designed from not native speaker for not native speaker.

Most participants are expecting their first child, so the course is designed to mainly address these questions. If you already have children, you can still participate in the course, some things you will probably already know, some things will be new to you.

The classes are in

- Friedrichshain: Krossener Str. 27, 10245 www.bauchgefuehl-berlin.de/birth-preparation-class-in-english

- Neukölln: Nogatstr. 56, 12051 www.spree-hebammen.de/angebot/505/birth-preparation-class-in-english-with-partner/

The best time for the class is between 30 and 34 weeks of pregnancy. However you can participate also earlier or later, earlier is better than later.

On the registration page you will be asked about the number of your insurance ("Versicherung", number contains 9 numbers) and your personal Versichertennummer (one letter and 9 numbers). You can find both numbers on the front of your insurance card.

However, I don't want your financial situation or insurance situation to determine whether you attend a birth preparation course or not. So if you are not having an insurance and/or having trouble to afford the partnerfee, you are still welcome to contact me so that we can find a solution together.

If you have questions feel free to ask me via email: hebamme_lena.muelling@posteo.de

Hope to see you soon!

Kosten: wird von Krankenkassen bezahlt
Partnergebühr: 140 €
Kursort: Spree Hebammen in Neukölln, Nogatstraße 56
Kurstyp: für Schwangere
Kursleitung: Simon Mülling

Plätze vorhanden

Birth preparation classs weekend intensiv on August 9th & 10th with partner (9.8.2025 - 10.8.2025)

9.8.2025 - 10.8.2025

Birth Preparation Class in basic English with Partner:

In this class you will receive important information about pregnancy, giving birth, breastfeeding, and the postpartum period. The main part of the course is to provide information on birth phases, birth mechanics, strategies for decision making and pain management, and an overview of the most common interventions during birth. Furthermore we invite you to reflect on your partnership with birth and the postpartum period. We show you different birthing positions and breathing techniques. There will also be time for you to ask your personal questions. You will receive a handout highlighting the most important information covered.

The best time to take the class is between 28 and 34 weeks of pregnancy. However, you can also participate earlier or later. If you choose the weekly class it's important that you finish the class before 37 weeks of pregnancy.

Most class participants are expecting their first child, so the course is designed to mainly address questions that first time parents may have. If you already have children, you can still participate in the course, some things you will probably already know, some things will be new to you.

This class is designed by a non native speaker (C1) with non native speakers in mind.

The classes are in

- Friedrichshain: Krossener Str. 27, 10245 www.bauchgefuehl-berlin.de/birth-preparation-class-in-english

- Neukölln: Nogatstr. 56, 12051 www.spree-hebammen.de/angebot/505/birth-preparation-class-in-english-with-partner/

The class is covered by the german health insurance for the pregnant person.

The partner fee is 140€ for the weekend class and 110€ for the weekly class. You can probably claim a refund from your health insurance company. Check with your insurance if/what they pay for the partner fee, many insurances reimburse parts (for example 80%) of the fee. It depends on the insurance, you have to take care of the refund yourself. 

On the registration page you will be asked about your insurance number ("Versicherung" which contains 9 numbers) and your personal Versichertennummer (one letter and 9 numbers). You can find both numbers on the front of your health insurance card.

However, I don't want your financial situation or insurance situation to determine whether you attend a birth preparation course or not. So if you do not have health insurance and/or are having trouble affording the partner fee, you are still welcome to contact me so that we can find a solution together.

If you have questions feel free to ask me via email: hebamme-simon@inbox.org

Hope to see you soon!

Kosten: wird von Krankenkassen bezahlt
Partnergebühr: 140 €
Kursort: Hebammenpraxis Bauchgefühl Friedrichshain, Krossener Str. 27
Kurstyp: für Schwangere
Kursleitung: Simon Mülling

Noch wenige Plätze


  • 9.8.2025 10:00 - 17:00 (mit PartnerIn)
  • 10.8.2025 10:00 - 17:00 (mit PartnerIn)