
  • geboren 1996 in Bad Reichenhall

  • 2018 - 2022 Studium und Ausbildung zur Hebamme in Berlin

  • freiberuflich tätig in Anbindung an die Hebammenpraxis Bauchgefühl in Friedrichshain

  • Sprachen: Deutsch, Italienisch, Englisch, (Französisch)

  • Pronomen: sie /ihr


  • born 1996 in Bad Reichenhall (south germany)
  • 2018 - 2022 study Midwifery B.Cs.
  • freelance midwife: pregnancy care, postpartum care, birth preparation classes, (homebirths)
  • part of the midwife-practice Bauchgefühl in Friedrichshain
  • Language: German, English, Italian
  • Pronouns: she/her


My approach is (as far as possible) science-based, informed-consent decisions are important to me, I try to give non-judgemental care and my queer-feminist attitude is also reflected in my midwifery work.
I am particularly happy to accompany couples who are looking for this kind of midwifery work.

Birth Preparation Class in basic english with Partner:

In this class you will receive important information about pregnancy, giving birth, breastfeeding, and the postpartum period. The main part of the course is to provide information on birth phases, birth mechanics, strategies for decision making and pain management, and an overview of the most common interventions during birth. Furthermore we invite you to reflect on your partnership with birth and the postpartum period. We will talk about breastfeeding and show you different birthing positions and breathing techniques. There will also be time for you to ask your personal questions. You will receive a handout highlighting the most important information covered.

The best time to take the class is between 28 and 34 weeks of pregnancy. However, you can also participate earlier or later.

Vertretungsregelung - Regelungen zur Erreichbarkeit

  • If you are interested in a birth preparation class, please register on this website (Kurse)
  • If you are interested in pregnancy and post-partum care please write me an Email
  • I answer my Emails usually in the next 3 days, maximum in 5 (working) days (exept holidays)