

Midwife Simon

About my work as a midwife:

For me it is important, that my work is science-based, empathetic, queer-sensitive and non-judgemental.

Science-based means that I try to provide information or recommendations around birth that are in line with the latest scientific findings and proven by studies. 

Non-judgemental means that I do not prejudge the families I work for as a midwife, or who attend my courses for their way of life, questions and problems. Instead, we try to find a client-centered solution together.

I speak German, English and Italian.

If you have questions please contact me via Email: hebamme-simon@inbox.org


Midwife Simon at Bauchgefühl



My birth preparation classes:

I offer birth preparation classes in Friedrichshain and Neukölln. All classes are held in English and meant to be attended together with your partner or person that will be with you during birth.

For more information and registration please go to the section "Kursliste".


Venue of the birth preparation classes:

Friedrichshain: Hebammenpraxis Bauchgefühl

Neukölln: Hebammenpraxis Spreehebammen


Vertretungsregelung - Regelungen zur Erreichbarkeit